A few weeks ago, while out for a Sunday breakfast, Scott, Avery and I stumbled upon the Troy Chavez Memorial Peace Garden. Such a treasure, hidden to us and now found. Created in 1994, this garden, kept up by the community, commemorates the many young folks who lost their lives during Denver's "Summer of Violence" in 1993. Inside you will find many healing herbs, like comfrey and sage, as well as vegetables, flowers, and mini-gardens.

I fell in love with the Butterfly Garden.

Something that took my breath away was the large painting stretching over the entrance to the garden. I love the description on the photo. To me, it really captures the struggle that many parents face when their children turn into teenagers. It made me think a lot about my teenage years, and the chaos I put my parents through.

I am so amazed at the way people come together during a difficult time. A close friend of mine just found out she has brain cancer. This girl is amazing. She believes this is happening for a higher purpose. Instead of getting down in the dumps about the whole thing, which I'm sure at times is impossible, she is choosing to see a sliver lining. Kind of like the people who came together to build the community garden. They are choosing to act. I think that's beautiful. And so, friends, today, please make a choice. Bring it. Choose to bring whatever you got, and own it.
P.S. I love you, dear m. You are an elfin queen, and I can't wait until we can run through forests and climb trees again.